E-commerce Consulting By Magicbus.com Internet Lead Generation by MagicBus


Case Study Highlight: Medical device manufacturer achieves 12+ listings on the first page linking to a buy now button for a single product. We did this for hundreds of SKUs.

We can do the same for you.

  check  Optimize Product Visibility
  check  Boost Sales & Conversions
  check  Increase Customer Retention
  check  Improve Brand Reputation
  check  Outsmart The Competition

A captain once said a smooth sea doesn’t make for a skillful sailor.

E-commerce is fraught with challenges both in the technologies chosen and in effectively serving customers. We will ensure that your e-commerce strategy provides your visitors with a frictionless shopping experience that helps to convert them into being a return customer. We also ensure the frictionless experience is carried through to your internal team, syncing with back-end systems so they can spend more time providing great customer service instead of wrestling with technology. We will make it simple by providing a well-researched e-commerce plan and dependable implementation of those recommendations.

The best decision is an informed decision, see our SEO results firsthand.

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